Tricare Regions Map 2024

TRICARE is the health care program for active duty service members, retirees, and their families. TRICARE provides a variety of health care benefits, including medical, dental, and vision care. TRICARE is divided into three regions: East, West, and Overseas.

The East Region includes the states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. The West Region includes the states of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, and California. The Overseas Region includes all other countries and territories where U.S. military personnel are stationed.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 will show the new regional boundaries for TRICARE. The new boundaries are based on the recommendations of the Military Health System Review Panel. The panel was tasked with reviewing the TRICARE program and making recommendations for improvements.

Tricare Regions Map 2024

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 will show the new regional boundaries for TRICARE. The new boundaries are based on the recommendations of the Military Health System Review Panel.

  • New regional boundaries
  • Based on MHSRP recommendations
  • Improved access to care
  • Reduced travel distances
  • Enhanced beneficiary experience
  • More efficient use of resources
  • Phased implementation
  • Beginning in 2024
  • Complete by 2026
  • Beneficiaries will be notified

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new boundaries are designed to improve access to care, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

New regional boundaries

The new regional boundaries for TRICARE are based on the recommendations of the Military Health System Review Panel (MHSRP). The MHSRP was tasked with reviewing the TRICARE program and making recommendations for improvements. The MHSRP found that the current regional boundaries were not optimal and that they could be improved to provide better access to care for beneficiaries.

  • Consolidation of regions

    The MHSRP recommended consolidating the current 12 TRICARE regions into 8 regions. This consolidation will reduce administrative costs and improve the efficiency of the TRICARE program.

  • Alignment with military commands

    The MHSRP also recommended aligning the TRICARE regions with the military commands. This alignment will improve communication and coordination between TRICARE and the military commands.

  • Improved access to care

    The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries. The MHSRP found that some beneficiaries were having difficulty accessing care in their current region. The new boundaries will reduce travel distances and make it easier for beneficiaries to get the care they need.

  • Phased implementation

    The new regional boundaries will be implemented in a phased approach. The first phase will begin in 2024 and will be completed by 2026. This phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

The new regional boundaries for TRICARE are a significant change to the program. The new boundaries are designed to improve access to care, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Based on MHSRP recommendations

The Military Health System Review Panel (MHSRP) was tasked with reviewing the TRICARE program and making recommendations for improvements. The MHSRP found that the current regional boundaries for TRICARE were not optimal and that they could be improved to provide better access to care for beneficiaries.

The MHSRP made several recommendations for changes to the regional boundaries, including:

  • Consolidating the current 12 TRICARE regions into 8 regions
  • Aligning the TRICARE regions with the military commands
  • Redesigning the regional boundaries to improve access to care for beneficiaries

The MHSRP also recommended that the new regional boundaries be implemented in a phased approach. The first phase would begin in 2024 and would be completed by 2026. This phased implementation would allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is based on the recommendations of the MHSRP. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Improved access to care

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries. The new regional boundaries will reduce travel distances and make it easier for beneficiaries to get the care they need.

The MHSRP found that some beneficiaries were having difficulty accessing care in their current region. For example, beneficiaries in rural areas often had to travel long distances to get to a military hospital or clinic. The new regional boundaries will reduce travel distances for these beneficiaries.

In addition, the new regional boundaries will align the TRICARE regions with the military commands. This alignment will improve communication and coordination between TRICARE and the military commands. This will help to ensure that beneficiaries have access to the care they need, when and where they need it.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Reduced travel distances

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is designed to reduce travel distances for beneficiaries. The new regional boundaries will make it easier for beneficiaries to get to a military hospital or clinic.

The MHSRP found that some beneficiaries were having to travel long distances to get to a military hospital or clinic. This was especially true for beneficiaries in rural areas. The new regional boundaries will reduce travel distances for these beneficiaries.

For example, under the current regional boundaries, a beneficiary in rural Maine would have to travel over 100 miles to get to the nearest military hospital. Under the new regional boundaries, the beneficiary would only have to travel about 50 miles to get to the nearest military hospital.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Enhanced beneficiary experience

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is designed to enhance the beneficiary experience. The new regional boundaries will make it easier for beneficiaries to get the care they need, when and where they need it.

  • Improved access to care

    The new regional boundaries will reduce travel distances and make it easier for beneficiaries to get to a military hospital or clinic. This will improve access to care for all beneficiaries, especially those in rural areas.

  • Reduced wait times

    The new regional boundaries will also help to reduce wait times for appointments. This is because the new boundaries will distribute beneficiaries more evenly across the military health system. This will reduce the burden on individual hospitals and clinics and make it easier for beneficiaries to get the care they need in a timely manner.

  • Enhanced communication

    The new regional boundaries will align the TRICARE regions with the military commands. This will improve communication and coordination between TRICARE and the military commands. This will help to ensure that beneficiaries have access to the care they need, when and where they need it.

  • Phased implementation

    The new regional boundaries will be implemented in a phased approach. This will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

More efficient use of resources

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is designed to make more efficient use of resources. The new regional boundaries will allow the military health system to better allocate resources to meet the needs of beneficiaries.

  • Consolidation of regions

    The consolidation of the current 12 TRICARE regions into 8 regions will reduce administrative costs and improve the efficiency of the TRICARE program.

  • Alignment with military commands

    The alignment of the TRICARE regions with the military commands will improve communication and coordination between TRICARE and the military commands. This will help to ensure that resources are allocated to the areas where they are most needed.

  • Improved planning

    The new regional boundaries will allow the military health system to better plan for the future. This is because the new boundaries will provide a more accurate picture of the needs of beneficiaries. This will help the military health system to make better decisions about where to invest resources.

  • Phased implementation

    The phased implementation of the new regional boundaries will allow the military health system to make a smooth transition to the new system. This will help to ensure that beneficiaries continue to receive the care they need.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Phased implementation

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 will be implemented in a phased approach. The first phase will begin in 2024 and will be completed by 2026. This phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

  • Planning and preparation

    The first phase of the phased implementation will involve planning and preparation. This will include developing new policies and procedures, training staff, and communicating the changes to beneficiaries.

  • Initial implementation

    The second phase of the phased implementation will involve the initial implementation of the new regional boundaries. This will include changing the way that beneficiaries are assigned to regions and updating the TRICARE website and other resources.

  • Full implementation

    The third and final phase of the phased implementation will involve the full implementation of the new regional boundaries. This will include making all of the necessary changes to the TRICARE program to ensure that it is operating smoothly under the new boundaries.

  • Beneficiary communication

    Throughout the phased implementation, TRICARE will be communicating with beneficiaries to keep them informed of the changes and to answer any questions they may have.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Beginning in 2024

The phased implementation of the Tricare Regions Map 2024 will begin in 2024. The first phase will involve planning and preparation. This will include developing new policies and procedures, training staff, and communicating the changes to beneficiaries.

The initial implementation of the new regional boundaries is expected to begin in 2025. This will include changing the way that beneficiaries are assigned to regions and updating the TRICARE website and other resources.

The full implementation of the new regional boundaries is expected to be completed by 2026. This will include making all of the necessary changes to the TRICARE program to ensure that it is operating smoothly under the new boundaries.

Throughout the phased implementation, TRICARE will be communicating with beneficiaries to keep them informed of the changes and to answer any questions they may have.

Complete by 2026

The phased implementation of the Tricare Regions Map 2024 is expected to be completed by 2026. This will include making all of the necessary changes to the TRICARE program to ensure that it is operating smoothly under the new boundaries.

Once the new regional boundaries are fully implemented, beneficiaries will be assigned to their new regions. They will also have access to new TRICARE resources and information. TRICARE will continue to communicate with beneficiaries throughout the implementation process to keep them informed of the changes and to answer any questions they may have.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

Beneficiaries will be notified

TRICARE will be communicating with beneficiaries throughout the phased implementation of the Tricare Regions Map 2024 to keep them informed of the changes and to answer any questions they may have.

  • Letters and emails

    TRICARE will be sending letters and emails to beneficiaries to inform them of the changes. These communications will include information about the new regional boundaries, the phased implementation timeline, and how to prepare for the changes.

  • Website and social media

    TRICARE will also be updating its website and social media channels with information about the changes. Beneficiaries can visit the TRICARE website or follow TRICARE on social media to stay informed.

  • Call center

    Beneficiaries can also call the TRICARE call center to speak with a representative about the changes. The call center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Local military treatment facilities

    Beneficiaries can also get information about the changes from their local military treatment facility. MTF staff will be able to answer questions and provide assistance.

TRICARE is committed to keeping beneficiaries informed about the Tricare Regions Map 2024. Beneficiaries are encouraged to visit the TRICARE website or call the TRICARE call center if they have any questions.


The following are some frequently asked questions about the Tricare Regions Map 2024:

Question 1: When will the new regional boundaries be implemented?
Answer 1: The new regional boundaries will be implemented in a phased approach. The first phase will begin in 2024 and will be completed by 2026.

Question 2: What are the benefits of the new regional boundaries?
Answer 2: The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience.

Question 3: How will I know if I am affected by the new regional boundaries?
Answer 3: TRICARE will be sending letters and emails to beneficiaries to inform them of the changes. Beneficiaries can also visit the TRICARE website or call the TRICARE call center to get more information.

Question 4: What do I need to do to prepare for the changes?
Answer 4: Beneficiaries should visit the TRICARE website or call the TRICARE call center to get more information about the changes. Beneficiaries should also update their contact information with TRICARE to ensure that they receive all important communications.

Question 5: Will my current TRICARE benefits change?
Answer 5: No, the new regional boundaries will not affect your current TRICARE benefits.

Question 6: Where can I get more information about the Tricare Regions Map 2024?
Answer 6: Beneficiaries can visit the TRICARE website or call the TRICARE call center to get more information about the Tricare Regions Map 2024.

TRICARE is committed to keeping beneficiaries informed about the Tricare Regions Map 2024. Beneficiaries are encouraged to visit the TRICARE website or call the TRICARE call center if they have any questions.


Here are a few tips to help you prepare for the Tricare Regions Map 2024:

1. Visit the TRICARE website or call the TRICARE call center.
The TRICARE website and call center have the most up-to-date information about the Tricare Regions Map 2024. You can find information about the new regional boundaries, the phased implementation timeline, and how to prepare for the changes.

2. Update your contact information with TRICARE.
Make sure that TRICARE has your most up-to-date contact information. This will ensure that you receive all important communications about the Tricare Regions Map 2024.

3. Talk to your doctor or other health care provider.
If you have any questions about how the Tricare Regions Map 2024 will affect your care, talk to your doctor or other health care provider.

4. Be patient.
The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. It will take some time for everyone to adjust to the new boundaries and procedures. Be patient and understanding during the transition period.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a smooth transition to the Tricare Regions Map 2024.


The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a significant change to the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. The phased implementation will allow beneficiaries to prepare for the changes and ensure a smooth transition.

The main points of the Tricare Regions Map 2024 are as follows:

  • The current 12 TRICARE regions will be consolidated into 8 regions.
  • The new regional boundaries will be aligned with the military commands.
  • The new regional boundaries are designed to improve access to care for beneficiaries.
  • The new regional boundaries will be implemented in a phased approach.
  • Beneficiaries will be notified of the changes and will have the opportunity to prepare for the transition.

The Tricare Regions Map 2024 is a positive change for the TRICARE program. The new regional boundaries will improve access to care for beneficiaries, reduce travel distances, and enhance the beneficiary experience. TRICARE is committed to making the transition to the new regional boundaries as smooth as possible.

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