New York Christmas Tree 2024

The annual lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree is a beloved tradition that marks the start of the holiday season in New York City. The tree, which is typically a Norway spruce, is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States. Once selected, the tree is transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The tree lighting ceremony is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December, and it features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January, and it serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

New York Christmas Tree 2024

Here are 8 important points about the New York Christmas Tree 2024:

  • Species: Norway spruce
  • Height: 70-90 feet
  • Weight: 10-12 tons
  • Location: Rockefeller Center Plaza
  • Lighting ceremony: First Wednesday of December
  • Number of lights: 50,000
  • Number of ornaments: 70,000
  • Star: Swarovski crystal star

The New York Christmas Tree is a beloved tradition that marks the start of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is decorated with thousands of lights and ornaments. The tree lighting ceremony is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators, and the tree remains lit until early January.

Species: Norway spruce

The Norway spruce (Picea abies) is a coniferous evergreen tree that is native to Europe. It is a popular choice for Christmas trees due to its dense foliage, symmetrical shape, and strong branches. Norway spruces can grow to be 100 feet tall and live for up to 400 years.

  • Dense foliage: Norway spruces have dense foliage that is made up of short, dark green needles. This makes them ideal for holding ornaments and decorations.
  • Symmetrical shape: Norway spruces have a symmetrical shape that is perfect for a Christmas tree. The branches are arranged in a whorled pattern, which gives the tree a full and balanced appearance.
  • Strong branches: Norway spruces have strong branches that are able to support the weight of ornaments and decorations. This makes them less likely to break or collapse.
  • Cold hardiness: Norway spruces are cold hardy and can withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes them a good choice for Christmas trees that will be displayed outdoors.

The New York Christmas Tree is typically a Norway spruce that is between 70 and 90 feet tall and weighs between 10 and 12 tons. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases.

Height: 70-90 feet

The New York Christmas Tree is typically between 70 and 90 feet tall. This makes it one of the tallest Christmas trees in the world.

There are several reasons why the New York Christmas Tree is so tall. First, a tall tree is more visible and can be seen from a greater distance. This helps to create a festive atmosphere and draw visitors to Rockefeller Center.

Second, a tall tree can accommodate more lights and ornaments. This makes the tree more visually appealing and helps to create a sense of wonder and excitement.

Third, a tall tree is more stable and less likely to topple over. This is important, as the New York Christmas Tree is located in a high-traffic area and is subject to strong winds.

The New York Christmas Tree is typically chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States. The tree is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

Weight: 10-12 tons

The New York Christmas Tree typically weighs between 10 and 12 tons. This makes it one of the heaviest Christmas trees in the world.

  • Stability: The weight of the New York Christmas Tree helps to keep it stable and less likely to topple over. This is important, as the tree is located in a high-traffic area and is subject to strong winds.
  • Strength: The weight of the New York Christmas Tree is also a testament to its strength. The tree must be able to support the weight of its own branches, as well as the weight of the lights and ornaments that are hung on it.
  • Transportation: The weight of the New York Christmas Tree makes it difficult to transport. The tree is typically transported on a flatbed truck, and it is escorted by police officers to ensure that it arrives safely at Rockefeller Center.
  • Installation: The weight of the New York Christmas Tree also makes it difficult to install. The tree is erected using a crane, and it is secured in place with steel cables.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

Location: Rockefeller Center Plaza

The New York Christmas Tree is located in Rockefeller Center Plaza, in the heart of Midtown Manhattan.

  • Visibility: Rockefeller Center Plaza is a highly visible location, which helps to ensure that the New York Christmas Tree is seen by as many people as possible. The plaza is surrounded by office buildings, hotels, and shops, and it is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.
  • Accessibility: Rockefeller Center Plaza is easily accessible by public transportation, making it convenient for visitors to come and see the New York Christmas Tree. The plaza is also located near several subway stations and bus stops.
  • Tradition: The New York Christmas Tree has been located in Rockefeller Center Plaza since 1933. This makes the plaza a traditional location for the tree, and it is a place that is associated with the holiday season in New York City.
  • Space: Rockefeller Center Plaza is a large plaza, which provides ample space for the New York Christmas Tree and the surrounding decorations. The plaza is also able to accommodate the large crowds that come to see the tree during the holiday season.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

Lighting ceremony: First Wednesday of December

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree.

The lighting ceremony is a major event in the New York City holiday season. It marks the official start of the holiday season in the city, and it is a tradition that has been going on for over 80 years.

The lighting ceremony is typically held in the evening, and it is broadcast live on television. The ceremony begins with musical performances by various artists. Then, a celebrity guest is invited to flip the switch and light the tree.

Once the tree is lit, the crowd erupts in cheers and applause. The tree remains lit until early January, and it serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

Number of lights: 50,000

The New York Christmas Tree is adorned with 50,000 LED lights. The lights are arranged in a variety of colors and patterns, and they create a dazzling display that can be seen from blocks away.

The lights on the New York Christmas Tree are more than just decorations. They also serve a practical purpose. The lights help to make the tree more visible at night, and they also help to create a festive atmosphere.

The lights on the New York Christmas Tree are turned on every day at dusk. They remain lit until midnight, and they are turned off again at dawn.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

Number of ornaments: 70,000

The New York Christmas Tree is adorned with 70,000 ornaments. The ornaments are made from a variety of materials, including glass, metal, plastic, and wood. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they depict a variety of holiday themes.

  • Variety: The variety of ornaments on the New York Christmas Tree helps to create a visually appealing display. The ornaments are all different colors, shapes, and sizes, and they represent a variety of holiday themes. This variety helps to keep the tree interesting and engaging.
  • Tradition: Many of the ornaments on the New York Christmas Tree are traditional holiday ornaments. These ornaments depict classic holiday symbols, such as Santa Claus, reindeer, snowmen, and Christmas trees. These traditional ornaments help to create a sense of nostalgia and warmth.
  • Uniqueness: In addition to traditional ornaments, the New York Christmas Tree also features some unique and unusual ornaments. These ornaments are often designed by artists and designers, and they reflect the latest trends in holiday décor. These unique ornaments help to keep the tree fresh and exciting.
  • Meaning: Many of the ornaments on the New York Christmas Tree have special meaning. Some ornaments are donated by families and individuals in memory of loved ones. Other ornaments are donated by organizations to promote their causes. These ornaments help to make the tree a symbol of hope and unity.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

Star: Swarovski crystal star

The star that adorns the top of the New York Christmas Tree is a Swarovski crystal star. The star is made from 25,000 crystals and weighs 900 pounds. It is the largest crystal star in the world.

  • Brilliance: The Swarovski crystal star is incredibly brilliant. The crystals reflect light in all directions, creating a dazzling display that can be seen from blocks away. The star is a beacon of light and hope during the holiday season.
  • Symbolism: The star on top of the New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. The Star of Bethlehem is the star that led the three wise men to the manger where Jesus was born. The star on the New York Christmas Tree is a reminder of the birth of Jesus and the hope that he brings to the world.
  • Tradition: The Swarovski crystal star has been placed on top of the New York Christmas Tree since 2004. The star has become a beloved tradition, and it is one of the most recognizable symbols of the holiday season in New York City.
  • Craftsmanship: The Swarovski crystal star is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. The star is made from the finest crystals and is assembled by hand. The star is a testament to the skill and artistry of the Swarovski crystal makers.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the New York Christmas Tree 2024:

Question 1: When is the lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree 2024?
Answer: The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

Question 2: Where is the New York Christmas Tree 2024 located?
Answer: The New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be located in Rockefeller Center Plaza, in the heart of Midtown Manhattan.

Question 3: What type of tree is the New York Christmas Tree 2024?
Answer: The New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be a Norway spruce.

Question 4: How tall is the New York Christmas Tree 2024?
Answer: The New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be between 70 and 90 feet tall.

Question 5: How much does the New York Christmas Tree 2024 weigh?
Answer: The New York Christmas Tree 2024 will weigh between 10 and 12 tons.

Question 6: How many lights are on the New York Christmas Tree 2024?
Answer: The New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be adorned with 50,000 LED lights.

Question 7: How many ornaments are on the New York Christmas Tree 2024?
Answer: The New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be adorned with 70,000 ornaments.

Question 8: What is the star on top of the New York Christmas Tree 2024 made of?
Answer: The star on top of the New York Christmas Tree 2024 will be a Swarovski crystal star.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about the New York Christmas Tree 2024. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Now that you know all about the New York Christmas Tree 2024, here are a few tips for visiting the tree during the holiday season:


Here are a few tips for visiting the New York Christmas Tree 2024:

Tip 1: Arrive early. The New York Christmas Tree is a popular tourist destination, so it’s important to arrive early to avoid the crowds. The best time to visit the tree is during the morning or early afternoon.

Tip 2: Dress warmly. The weather in New York City can be cold during the holiday season, so be sure to dress warmly when you visit the New York Christmas Tree. Wear a hat, gloves, and a scarf to keep yourself comfortable.

Tip 3: Take public transportation. Rockefeller Center is located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, and it is easily accessible by public transportation. Take the subway to the 47th-50th Street Rockefeller Center station or the B, D, F, or M train to the 42nd Street-Bryant Park station.

Tip 4: Be patient. The New York Christmas Tree is a popular tourist destination, so it’s important to be patient when you visit. There may be long lines to get close to the tree, but it’s worth it to see this iconic holiday display.

We hope these tips help you have a great visit to the New York Christmas Tree 2024.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.


The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of the holiday season in New York City. The tree is chosen from a pool of candidates from across the United States, and it is inspected by a team of experts to ensure that it is healthy and free of pests and diseases. The tree is then transported to New York City and erected in Rockefeller Center Plaza.

The lighting ceremony for the New York Christmas Tree is a star-studded event that draws thousands of spectators. The ceremony is typically held on the first Wednesday of December and features musical performances, celebrity appearances, and the lighting of the tree. The tree remains lit until early January and serves as a popular destination for visitors to New York City during the holiday season.

The New York Christmas Tree is a symbol of hope, joy, and peace. The tree brings people together from all over the world to celebrate the holiday season. The tree is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

We hope that you have enjoyed learning about the New York Christmas Tree 2024. We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season.

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