Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar

Get ready to mark your calendars for the upcoming season of one of the most beloved baking competitions in the world, the Great British Bake Off (GBBO). With its tenth season set to air in 2024, the show will once again bring together a group of passionate amateur bakers from across the United Kingdom to compete for the coveted title of Britain’s Best Amateur Baker.

The GBBO has become a cultural phenomenon since its inception in 2010, captivating audiences with its heartwarming camaraderie, culinary brilliance, and the occasional baking disaster. The show’s unique format, which combines technical challenges with signature bakes and showstoppers, has inspired countless home bakers to try their hand at creating their own culinary masterpieces.

Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar

Here are eight important points to note about the upcoming season of the Great British Bake Off 2024:

  • Tenth season: GBBO will celebrate its tenth season in 2024.
  • New hosts: Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding will return to host the show.
  • New judges: Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith will continue as judges.
  • Diverse bakers: The show will feature a diverse group of bakers from all walks of life.
  • Signature bakes: Bakers will showcase their unique baking styles in the signature bakes.
  • Technical challenges: Bakers will face complex and unpredictable technical challenges.
  • Showstoppers: Bakers will create elaborate and visually stunning showstopper bakes.
  • Broadcast date: The show is expected to air in the autumn of 2024.

The Great British Bake Off 2024 promises to be another exciting season filled with culinary creativity, heartwarming moments, and plenty of baking drama. So mark your calendars and get ready to cheer on your favorite bakers as they compete for the coveted title of Britain’s Best Amateur Baker.

Tenth season: GBBO will celebrate its tenth season in 2024.

The Great British Bake Off will reach a significant milestone in 2024 as it celebrates its tenth season. Since its inception in 2010, the show has become a beloved British institution, captivating audiences with its heartwarming format and the exceptional baking skills of its contestants. Over the years, GBBO has introduced us to some of the most talented amateur bakers in the UK, who have inspired us with their creativity, resilience, and passion for baking.

The tenth season of GBBO promises to be another unforgettable culinary adventure. Once again, a group of passionate bakers will enter the famous Bake Off tent, ready to showcase their baking skills and compete for the coveted title of Britain’s Best Amateur Baker. The bakers will face a series of challenging tasks, including signature bakes, technical challenges, and showstoppers, designed to test their creativity, precision, and ability to work under pressure.

As the show celebrates its tenth season, it is an opportune time to reflect on its impact on British culture. GBBO has not only entertained millions of viewers but has also played a significant role in promoting the art of baking. The show has inspired countless people to try their hand at baking, leading to a resurgence of interest in home baking and a greater appreciation for the skill and creativity involved in the craft.

The tenth season of GBBO is sure to be a memorable one, filled with baking triumphs, heartwarming moments, and plenty of surprises. So mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate a decade of the Great British Bake Off, a show that has become an integral part of British television and a source of inspiration for bakers of all ages.

New hosts: Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding will return to host the show.

Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding will once again grace our screens as the hosts of the Great British Bake Off in 2024. The duo has become synonymous with the show, bringing their unique blend of humor, warmth, and genuine enthusiasm to the Bake Off tent. Their chemistry is undeniable, and they have a knack for putting the bakers at ease, creating a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.

Lucas, a renowned actor, comedian, and writer, is known for his quick wit and impeccable comedic timing. He is also a passionate baker, which makes him the perfect host for a show that celebrates the art of baking. Fielding, on the other hand, is a surrealist comedian and actor with a quirky sense of humor and a penchant for the absurd. His off-beat commentary and playful banter with the bakers add a touch of lightheartedness to the competition.

Together, Lucas and Fielding create a dynamic hosting duo that keeps the show entertaining and engaging. They provide comedic relief without overshadowing the bakers’ accomplishments, and they are always on hand to offer words of encouragement and support. Their presence in the tent is a constant reminder that baking should be enjoyable, and that even the most challenging tasks can be tackled with a smile.

The return of Lucas and Fielding as hosts is a testament to the success of their partnership and the enduring popularity of the Great British Bake Off. Their presence ensures that the tenth season of the show will be filled with laughter, warmth, and plenty of baking inspiration.

New judges: Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith will continue as judges.

The Great British Bake Off is known for its high standards of judging, and the tenth season will be no exception. Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith will return as judges, bringing their wealth of experience and expertise to the Bake Off tent. Hollywood, a renowned baker and author, is known for his no-nonsense approach and his insistence on technical precision. His signature handshake, awarded to bakers who produce exceptional bakes, has become one of the most coveted prizes in the show.

Leith, a celebrated chef, restaurateur, and food writer, brings a different perspective to the judging panel. She is known for her warmth and encouragement, but she also has a keen eye for detail and is not afraid to offer constructive criticism. Together, Hollywood and Leith form a formidable judging duo, providing the bakers with invaluable guidance and feedback throughout the competition.

Hollywood and Leith’s return as judges ensures that the tenth season of the Great British Bake Off will maintain the show’s reputation for excellence. Their expertise and passion for baking will challenge the bakers to produce their very best, and their insights will help viewers to understand the complexities of the art of baking.

The continuity in the judging panel also provides a sense of familiarity and stability to the show. Hollywood and Leith have become integral to the Bake Off experience, and their presence in the tent is a reassuring reminder that the show’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship remains as strong as ever.

Diverse bakers: The show will feature a diverse group of bakers from all walks of life.

The Great British Bake Off has always celebrated diversity, and the tenth season will be no exception. The show’s casting team has made a conscious effort to recruit a group of bakers who represent the rich tapestry of British society. The bakers come from all walks of life, with a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and baking styles.

This diversity is reflected in the bakers’ ages, ethnicities, occupations, and baking specialties. There are young and old bakers, bakers from all corners of the UK, and bakers with a wide range of professional backgrounds. Some bakers are self-taught, while others have trained at prestigious culinary schools. Some specialize in traditional British baking, while others bring international flavors and techniques to the tent.

The diversity of the bakers is one of the things that makes the Great British Bake Off so special. It shows that baking is an inclusive activity that can be enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It also ensures that the show’s audience can relate to the bakers and their baking journeys.

By featuring a diverse group of bakers, the Great British Bake Off sends a powerful message of acceptance and inclusion. It shows that baking is not just for a select few, but for everyone who has a passion for creating delicious treats. This message is sure to inspire viewers of all ages and backgrounds to embrace their own creativity and to find joy in the art of baking.

Signature bakes: Bakers will showcase their unique baking styles in the signature bakes.

The signature bake is one of the most important challenges in the Great British Bake Off. It is the bakers’ chance to showcase their unique baking styles and to demonstrate their creativity and technical skills. In the signature bake, the bakers are given a broad theme or ingredient, and they are free to create any bake they like that fits the theme. This allows the bakers to express their individuality and to show the judges what they are truly capable of.

The signature bakes are often the most visually impressive bakes of the week, and they can range from classic British treats to innovative and experimental creations. Some bakers choose to make traditional bakes with a modern twist, while others opt for more adventurous flavors and techniques. No matter what they choose to make, the bakers always put their own unique stamp on their signature bakes.

The signature bake is also a chance for the bakers to tell their own stories through their baking. Many bakers choose to make bakes that reflect their heritage or their personal experiences. Others use their bakes to raise awareness of important issues or to pay tribute to loved ones. The signature bake is a way for the bakers to share a part of themselves with the judges and the viewers at home.

The signature bakes are always a highlight of the Great British Bake Off, and they provide a fascinating glimpse into the creativity and passion of the bakers. They are a reminder that baking is more than just following a recipe; it is an art form that allows bakers to express themselves and to share their stories with the world.

Technical challenges: Bakers will face complex and unpredictable technical challenges.

The technical challenge is one of the most daunting tasks in the Great British Bake Off. In the technical challenge, the bakers are given a recipe for a specific bake, and they must follow the recipe exactly. The recipe is often complex and unfamiliar, and the bakers have a limited amount of time to complete the bake. This challenge tests the bakers’ technical skills, their ability to follow instructions, and their ability to work under pressure.

  • Precise measurements: The technical challenge often requires bakers to measure ingredients with great precision. A small error in measurement can have a big impact on the final bake.
  • Unfamiliar techniques: The technical challenge often introduces bakers to new and unfamiliar techniques. This can be a daunting task, but it also gives bakers an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Time constraints: Bakers have a limited amount of time to complete the technical challenge. This forces them to work quickly and efficiently, and it can lead to mistakes.
  • Pressure: The technical challenge is a high-pressure situation. The bakers are being judged by two of the world’s top bakers, and they know that a poor performance could send them home.

The technical challenge is a true test of the bakers’ skills and abilities. It is a challenge that can make or break a baker’s journey on the Great British Bake Off.

Showstoppers: Bakers will create elaborate and visually stunning showstopper bakes.

The showstopper is the grand finale of the Great British Bake Off. It is the bakers’ chance to create their most ambitious and visually impressive bake yet. The showstoppers are often works of art, and they can take many different forms. Some bakers choose to create traditional bakes with a modern twist, while others opt for more experimental and innovative creations. No matter what they choose to make, the bakers always put their heart and soul into their showstoppers.

The showstoppers are judged on their appearance, taste, and technical difficulty. The bakers are given several hours to complete their showstoppers, and they often work late into the night to perfect their creations. The judges are looking for bakes that are not only beautiful, but also delicious and well-executed. The showstopper is the ultimate test of the bakers’ skills and creativity, and it is often the bake that determines the winner of the competition.

The showstoppers are always a highlight of the Great British Bake Off, and they provide a fascinating glimpse into the imagination and talent of the bakers. They are a reminder that baking is more than just following a recipe; it is an art form that allows bakers to express themselves and to create something truly special.

Here are some examples of showstopper bakes that have been featured on the Great British Bake Off:

  • A three-tiered wedding cake decorated with intricate sugar flowers
  • A life-sized replica of the Eiffel Tower made entirely out of chocolate
  • A gravity-defying cake that appears to be floating in mid-air
  • A cake that tells a story through its design, with each tier representing a different scene
  • A cake that is a work of abstract art, with bold colors and geometric shapes

These are just a few examples of the many amazing showstopper bakes that have been created on the Great British Bake Off. The showstopper is a true test of the bakers’ skills and creativity, and it is always a sight to behold.

Broadcast date: The show is expected to air in the autumn of 2024.

The tenth season of the Great British Bake Off is expected to air in the autumn of 2024. This is the usual broadcast window for the show, and it is likely that the 2024 season will follow a similar schedule. The show will likely air on Channel 4 in the UK, and it will be available to stream on Netflix in other countries.

The exact broadcast date for the 2024 season has not yet been announced, but it is likely that the show will return in September or October. The show typically airs on Tuesday nights, and it is likely that the 2024 season will follow this pattern. Each episode is expected to be an hour long, and the season will likely run for 10 weeks.

Fans of the Great British Bake Off are eagerly awaiting the return of the show in 2024. The show has become a global phenomenon, and it is one of the most popular cooking shows in the world. The show’s unique format, its talented bakers, and its heartwarming atmosphere have made it a favorite among viewers of all ages.

The 2024 season of the Great British Bake Off is sure to be another exciting and memorable one. With a new group of bakers, new challenges, and new surprises, the show is sure to keep viewers entertained from beginning to end.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar:

Question 1: When will the Great British Bake Off 2024 season air?
Answer: The Great British Bake Off 2024 season is expected to air in the autumn of 2024, likely in September or October.

Question 2: What channel will the Great British Bake Off 2024 season air on?
Answer: The Great British Bake Off 2024 season will air on Channel 4 in the UK.

Question 3: Will the Great British Bake Off 2024 season be available to stream online?
Answer: Yes, the Great British Bake Off 2024 season will be available to stream on Netflix in countries outside the UK.

Question 4: Who will be the hosts of the Great British Bake Off 2024 season?
Answer: Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding will return to host the Great British Bake Off 2024 season.

Question 5: Who will be the judges of the Great British Bake Off 2024 season?
Answer: Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith will return to judge the Great British Bake Off 2024 season.

Question 6: What is the theme of the Great British Bake Off 2024 season?
Answer: The theme of the Great British Bake Off 2024 season has not yet been announced.

Question 7: How can I apply to be a contestant on the Great British Bake Off 2024 season?
Answer: Applications for the Great British Bake Off 2024 season are not yet open. Keep an eye on the official Great British Bake Off website for updates on when applications will open.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about the Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Now that you know all about the Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar, it’s time to start planning your viewing party! Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your Great British Bake Off experience:


Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your Great British Bake Off 2024 experience:

Tip 1: Gather your friends and family. The Great British Bake Off is a great show to watch with friends and family. It’s a fun and social way to spend an evening, and you can all share in the excitement and suspense of the competition.

Tip 2: Stock up on snacks and drinks. You’re going to need something to munch on while you’re watching the show. Make sure to have plenty of snacks and drinks on hand, so you don’t have to get up during the show.

Tip 3: Get creative with your decorations. If you’re hosting a Great British Bake Off viewing party, get creative with your decorations. You can set up a “bake off” station where your guests can try their hand at baking, or you can simply decorate your home with baking-themed decorations.

Tip 4: Don’t forget to vote for your favorite baker. After each episode, you can vote for your favorite baker on the Great British Bake Off website. This is a fun way to get involved in the show and to show your support for your favorite baker.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

We hope these tips help you make the most of your Great British Bake Off 2024 experience. So gather your friends and family, stock up on snacks and drinks, and get ready to enjoy the tenth season of the Great British Bake Off!

We hope this article has given you all the information you need about the Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar. Now that you know all about the show, it’s time to start planning your viewing party and getting excited for the new season!


The Great British Bake Off 2024 Calendar is packed with exciting events and activities. The tenth season of the show is set to air in the autumn of 2024, and it will feature a new group of talented bakers, new challenges, and new surprises. Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding will return to host the show, and Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith will return to judge the bakers’ creations.

The Great British Bake Off has become a global phenomenon, and it is one of the most popular cooking shows in the world. The show’s unique format, its talented bakers, and its heartwarming atmosphere have made it a favorite among viewers of all ages. The 2024 season is sure to be another exciting and memorable one, and we can’t wait to see what the bakers have in store for us.

So mark your calendars for the Great British Bake Off 2024 season, and get ready to enjoy another year of baking, laughter, and surprises.

Thank you for reading!

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