2024 Moon Schedule

The year 2024 marks a pivotal moment in space exploration as several significant lunar missions are set to take place. These missions aim to advance our scientific understanding of the Moon and further our endeavors towards establishing a sustainable human presence there.

The United States, through its Artemis program, plans to send astronauts to the lunar surface in 2024. This mission, Artemis III, marks the first time humans have set foot on the Moon since the Apollo missions in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

In addition to human exploration, several robotic missions are also scheduled for 2024. Japan’s Space Exploration Agency (JAXA) plans to launch the SLIM mission, which will study the lunar surface and search for water ice. The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Roscosmos space agency are collaborating on the Luna-27 mission, which will analyze the Moon’s polar regions and search for evidence of past life.

2024 Moon Schedule

The year 2024 marks a pivotal year for lunar exploration, with several significant missions planned.

  • Artemis III: Crewed mission to Moon’s surface
  • SLIM: Japanese mission to study lunar surface
  • Luna-27: ESA and Roscosmos mission to polar regions
  • IM-2: Indian mission to study lunar surface
  • KPLO: South Korean mission to demonstrate lunar landing
  • Lunar Trailblazer: NASA mission to map lunar water

These missions aim to advance our scientific understanding of the Moon and lay the groundwork for future human exploration.

Artemis III: Crewed mission to Moon’s surface

Artemis III is the third mission in NASA’s Artemis program, and it marks the first crewed mission to the Moon’s surface since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. The mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will send a crew of four astronauts to the lunar South Pole.

The primary objective of Artemis III is to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon. The astronauts will spend several days on the lunar surface, conducting scientific experiments and collecting samples. They will also test new technologies and equipment that will be essential for future long-term missions to the Moon.

Artemis III is a crucial step in NASA’s plans to return humans to the Moon and eventually send them to Mars. The mission will provide valuable data and experience that will help NASA develop the technologies and procedures necessary for future human exploration missions.

The Artemis III mission is a major undertaking, and it will require the cooperation of many countries and organizations. NASA is working with its international partners, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), to develop the technologies and infrastructure necessary for the mission.

SLIM: Japanese mission to study lunar surface

SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) is a Japanese lunar exploration mission scheduled to launch in 2024. The mission’s primary objective is to study the lunar surface and search for water ice.

  • Landing site: SLIM will land on the Moon’s Shackleton Crater, a permanently shadowed region near the lunar South Pole. Scientists believe that Shackleton Crater may contain significant amounts of water ice, which could be a valuable resource for future human exploration missions.
  • Scientific instruments: SLIM will carry a variety of scientific instruments, including a drill, a camera, and a spectrometer. These instruments will be used to study the lunar surface, search for water ice, and analyze the composition of the lunar soil.
  • International collaboration: SLIM is a collaborative mission between JAXA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). CSA is providing the rover that will be used to explore the lunar surface.
  • Significance: The SLIM mission is expected to provide valuable data on the lunar surface and water ice distribution. This data will help scientists better understand the Moon’s history and evolution, and it will also help to inform future human exploration missions.

The SLIM mission is an important part of Japan’s lunar exploration program. Japan has been a major contributor to international lunar exploration efforts, and the SLIM mission will help to further our understanding of the Moon and its potential resources.

Luna-27: ESA and Roscosmos mission to polar regions

Luna-27 is a joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will land a rover on the Moon’s South Pole.

  • Scientific objectives: Luna-27 will study the Moon’s polar regions, which are of great scientific interest. The polar regions are permanently shadowed, and scientists believe that they may contain water ice and other volatiles. Luna-27 will also study the geology and composition of the lunar soil.
  • Scientific instruments: Luna-27 will carry a variety of scientific instruments, including a drill, a camera, and a spectrometer. These instruments will be used to study the lunar surface, search for water ice, and analyze the composition of the lunar soil.
  • International collaboration: Luna-27 is a collaborative mission between ESA and Roscosmos. ESA is providing the rover and the scientific instruments, while Roscosmos is providing the lander and the launch vehicle.
  • Significance: The Luna-27 mission is expected to provide valuable data on the Moon’s polar regions. This data will help scientists better understand the Moon’s history and evolution, and it will also help to inform future human exploration missions.

The Luna-27 mission is an important part of ESA’s and Roscosmos’ lunar exploration programs. ESA and Roscosmos have been major contributors to international lunar exploration efforts, and the Luna-27 mission will help to further our understanding of the Moon and its potential resources.

IM-2: Indian mission to study lunar surface

IM-2 is the second lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will send a lander and a rover to the Moon’s South Pole.

  • Scientific objectives: IM-2 will study the Moon’s polar regions, which are of great scientific interest. The polar regions are permanently shadowed, and scientists believe that they may contain water ice and other volatiles. IM-2 will also study the geology and composition of the lunar soil.
  • Scientific instruments: IM-2 will carry a variety of scientific instruments, including a drill, a camera, and a spectrometer. These instruments will be used to study the lunar surface, search for water ice, and analyze the composition of the lunar soil.
  • Significance: The IM-2 mission is expected to provide valuable data on the Moon’s polar regions. This data will help scientists better understand the Moon’s history and evolution, and it will also help to inform future human exploration missions.

The IM-2 mission is an important part of ISRO’s lunar exploration program. ISRO has been a major contributor to international lunar exploration efforts, and the IM-2 mission will help to further our understanding of the Moon and its potential resources.

KPLO: South Korean mission to demonstrate lunar landing

KPLO (Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) is a South Korean lunar mission scheduled to launch in 2024. The mission’s primary objective is to demonstrate South Korea’s ability to land a spacecraft on the Moon.

  • Scientific objectives: In addition to demonstrating South Korea’s lunar landing capabilities, KPLO will also conduct scientific experiments. The spacecraft will carry a variety of scientific instruments, including a camera, a spectrometer, and a magnetometer. These instruments will be used to study the Moon’s surface, atmosphere, and magnetic field.
  • Significance: The KPLO mission is a significant milestone for South Korea’s space program. It will be the first time that South Korea has sent a spacecraft to the Moon. The mission will also help to advance South Korea’s scientific understanding of the Moon and its potential resources.

The KPLO mission is an important part of South Korea’s plans to become a major player in space exploration. South Korea has been a major contributor to international space exploration efforts, and the KPLO mission will help to further South Korea’s role in space exploration.

Lunar Trailblazer: NASA mission to map lunar water

Lunar Trailblazer is a NASA mission scheduled to launch in 2024. The mission’s primary objective is to map the distribution of water ice on the Moon’s surface.

Water is a critical resource for future human exploration missions to the Moon. It can be used for drinking, generating oxygen, and producing rocket fuel. However, water is scarce on the Moon’s surface, and it is not evenly distributed. Lunar Trailblazer will help scientists to identify the areas of the Moon where water ice is most abundant.

Lunar Trailblazer will carry a spectrometer that will measure the amount of water ice in the Moon’s soil. The spectrometer will be able to detect water ice at concentrations as low as 1%. Lunar Trailblazer will also carry a camera that will take high-resolution images of the Moon’s surface. The images will help scientists to identify the geological features that are associated with water ice deposits.

The data from Lunar Trailblazer will help scientists to better understand the distribution of water ice on the Moon. This information will be essential for planning future human exploration missions to the Moon.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the 2024 Moon Schedule:

Question 1: When will the Artemis III mission launch?
Answer 1: The Artemis III mission is scheduled to launch in 2024.

Question 2: What is the primary objective of the Artemis III mission?
Answer 2: The primary objective of the Artemis III mission is to land the first woman and the next man on the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

Question 3: What is the SLIM mission?
Answer 3: The SLIM mission is a Japanese lunar exploration mission scheduled to launch in 2024. The mission’s primary objective is to study the lunar surface and search for water ice.

Question 4: What is the Luna-27 mission?
Answer 4: The Luna-27 mission is a joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian space agency Roscosmos. The mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will land a rover on the Moon’s South Pole.

Question 5: What is the IM-2 mission?
Answer 5: The IM-2 mission is the second lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 and will send a lander and a rover to the Moon’s South Pole.

Question 6: What is the KPLO mission?
Answer 6: The KPLO mission (Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) is a South Korean lunar mission scheduled to launch in 2024. The mission’s primary objective is to demonstrate South Korea’s ability to land a spacecraft on the Moon.

Question 7: What is the Lunar Trailblazer mission?
Answer 7: The Lunar Trailblazer mission is a NASA mission scheduled to launch in 2024. The mission’s primary objective is to map the distribution of water ice on the Moon’s surface.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the many questions that people have about the 2024 Moon Schedule. As the launch date approaches, more information will be released about these missions and their objectives.

In addition to the FAQ section, here are some tips for staying up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to the 2024 Moon Schedule:


Here are some tips for staying up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to the 2024 Moon Schedule:

Tip 1: Follow NASA’s website and social media accounts. NASA is the lead agency for the Artemis program, and they provide regular updates on the progress of the missions.

Tip 2: Read space news websites and magazines. There are a number of reputable space news websites and magazines that cover the latest developments in space exploration. Some popular examples include SpaceNews, Space.com, and Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Tip 3: Attend space conferences and events. Space conferences and events are a great way to learn about the latest research and developments in space exploration. You can also meet with experts in the field and ask them questions.

Tip 4: Join a space exploration organization. There are a number of space exploration organizations that offer membership to the public. These organizations typically provide members with access to exclusive content and events.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to the 2024 Moon Schedule. This is an exciting time for space exploration, and there is a lot to look forward to in the coming years.

The 2024 Moon Schedule is an ambitious undertaking, but it is also a necessary one. If we are going to send humans back to the Moon and eventually to Mars, we need to learn how to live and work on another world. The missions that are scheduled to launch in 2024 will help us to do just that.


The 2024 Moon Schedule is a major milestone in the history of space exploration. For the first time in over 50 years, humans will return to the Moon. The missions that are scheduled to launch in 2024 will help us to learn more about the Moon and its potential resources. They will also help us to develop the technologies and procedures that we need for future human missions to Mars.

The 2024 Moon Schedule is a reminder that space exploration is a global endeavor. The missions that are scheduled to launch in 2024 involve collaboration between scientists and engineers from all over the world. This collaboration is essential for the success of these missions and for the future of space exploration.

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